Monday, January 7, 2008

The Documentary- past and future--January 16, 2008 Filmmakers Workshop

We hope you'll join us on January 16 for a unique discussion and celebration as we celebrate 25 years of the Center for Independent Documentary (CID) with a special gathering. For most of those 25 years, CID has hosted FREE monthly meetings for filmmakers with the goal of building community, providing support and skillbuilding, and sparking creativity.

Though they've been called various names over the years ("First Wednesday" screenings, "the independent producer group", the "CID/AIVFsalon" and now "Filmmakers Workshop")- they've continually provided an antidote to that most pervasive of independent filmmaking occupational hazards- isolation.

Some of you may remember when these meeting were held in members homes or when they were in the CID office in Newton. Each meeting, screening or workshop has featured talk and socializing. On the 16th, we'll do both as we look back and forward, as we explore the documentary then and now.

Have an artifact or a story to share? Bring it! Ready to talk about the impact of changing technology on the documentary form? What looks fresh, new and innovative to you? What inspires you that you are bringing to your new/next film? What are the forces that are at work changing how you work and how are you adapting? We'll share our thoughts, musings and practical concerns as we delve into these and other questions salon style.

We hope you'll join us for this special salon evening.

DATE: January 16, 2008
TIME: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Bernard Toale Gallery, 450 Harrison Avenue in Boston's South End

PLEASE RSVP!! This is a FREE event, but, we would appreciate an rsvp so that we can plan for food and chairs.

TO RSVP just reply to this email. While RSVP's are not required for this event, we appreciate you giving us a count of how many to plan for.

As we wind up CID's 25th Anniversary, we hope that you'll join us at one of the upcoming screenings of our filmmakers new work:

Judith Helfand and Dan Golds new film: EVERYTHINGS COOL at the MFA as part of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival on January 18th at 8pm

Marty Ostrow and Terry Kay Rockefellers new documentary RENEWAL which will have a run at the MFA in Boston beginning February 21, 2008.

and TODAY THE HAWK TAKES ONE CHICK by Jane Gillooly at the ICA on February 9, 2008

As we launch into 2008, we would like to give a special word of thanks to the tireless volunteers who make FILMMAKERS WORKSHOPS possible. PLEASE THANK THEM: Julie Mallozzi, Tracy Heather Strain, Megan Gelstein and Randall MacLowry. We also want to give a special appreciation to Bernie Toale, who not only allows us to enjoy his beautiful gallery each month, but who also carries chairs, sets up tables and offers complete encouragement and support. This program truly could not exist without all of your efforts. Thank you so much.

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