Monday, November 24, 2008
The mission of LEF New England is to fund the work of independent film and video artists in the region and broaden recognition and support for their work locally and nationally.
LEF seeks to accomplish its mission through deeper, more focused, multi-year funding of selected film projects, and by sponsoring programs that highlight the rich history and ongoing legacy of innovation within New England’s independent film community.
Consistent with the Foundation’s original mission, LEF New England supports artists with an independent, creative vision whose work informs and animates the larger public conversation essential to a democracy.
LEF New England continues to be a regional funder, advocating for, and supporting, the innovative work of both emerging and established independent film and video artists. The overall purpose of LEF’s philanthropic investment is to help build a more sustainable and stronger community of support for artists and their work.
Moving Image Fund Overview
LEF New England launched the Moving Image Fund (MIF) in 2002 to support independent film and video artists creating work in all genres. In the current transition from a broader to a more defined funding strategy, LEF will focus its funding on documentary filmmaking, with the goal of applying the learning from this deeper investment in one genre.
LEF will provide multi-year funding to fewer projects, across all phases of production, providing support from the early risk-taking stage through a film’s completion. In this way, the Fund offers a continuum of support for selected projects, while continuing to identify new talent. With fewer projects being funded, LEF anticipates a highly competitive grant process. In identifying projects to support, LEF will follow the lead of artists whose innovative work continues to push the boundaries of independent filmmaking.
For the next several grant rounds, MIF will specifically support documentary filmmakers. However, the long term view for the Fund is to expand its support for the broader community of independent producers in New England in response to future trends and opportunities.
Eligible projects must have a running time of no less than 40 minutes.
Criteria for Project Funding:
• Quality of cinematic form and technique
• Originality of filmmaker’s voice, vision, and point of view
• Resonance and power of the film’s core idea or story
• Feasibility of production
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
October 29 Filmmakers Workshop
with Dave Allen and Jeff Herzog
Post-production today is more complicated than ever. What used to be a straight forward process has become a bewildering array of resolutions, formats, and frame rates. Do you shoot 29.97 in 1080i or 1080p? 720p or 30i? 59.94? DV? And what about P2? Then, which format do you offline in? Graphics delivery? Which codec do you use?
The purpose of this seminar is to help you understand and create a clear workflow path – from shooting through offline to online and delivery – for your upcoming and current projects. Let Dave Allen and Jeff Herzog help you get the picture straight!
Dave Allen – Colorist/Online Editor:
In 2006, Dave Allen launched a Final Cut Pro/Avid finishing suite in Sudbury, MA, continuing his 25-year relationship with Boston's filmmaking community. Recent projects include Linda Harrar's "Roots of Health," Mark Davis' "Five Years on Mars: The Rovers," Nancy Porter and Harriet Reisen's "American Masters: Louisa May Alcott" (PBS), Michal Goldman's "At Home in Utopia," Linda Garmon's "The Truth About Cancer" (PBS), Allison Argo's "Crash: A Tale of Two Species" (Nature PBS), Marty Ostrow and Terry Rockefeller's "Renewal" (PBS), and David Huntley's 13-part History Channel series, "Tougher in Alaska."
Many in Boston are familiar with Dave's work from his 18 years as a documentary colorist at Multivision in Needham, MA. While there, he worked on such esteemed series as Blackside's "Eyes on the Prize," "I'll Make Me a World," and "The Great Depression," as well as David Sutherland's ambitious FRONTLINE series, "The Farmer's Wife," and Longbow's "The Gate of Heavenly Peace" – an epic two hour film about the uprising at Tienamen Square.
Working as an independent since 2003, Dave has continued to create a buzz and delight clients with his work. Past projects include Allison Argo's "Chimpanzees: An Unnatural History" (Nature/PBS), Melanie Perkins' "Have You Seen Andy?" (HBO/Cinmax), Linda Garmon's "American Experience: Sister Aimee" (PBS), Peter Frumkin's "American Masters: Woody Guthrie" (PBS), and Allie Humenuk's "Shadow of the House" (Theatrical Release). Dave has also been an offline editor on many projects, including the highly praised PBS cooking show, "Simply Ming."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

“The ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable.”
Judith Herman, M.D.,
Author of Trauma & Recovery and Father-Daughter Incest
Like a scene torn from The Color Purple or Capturing the Friedmans, filmmaker Chico David Colvard’s deeply personal and uncompromising documentary examines the complex levels of pedophilia and how it can manipulate and control an entire family for life. The film is also a portrait of a family that struggles with issues we all face. Family Affair challenges the audience to take a more complicated view of child molesters like the filmmaker’s father, while fostering compassion for their victims, like his sisters. Their story is a universal one about resilience, survival and having the capacity to accommodate a parent’s past crimes in order to satisfy their longing for family.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
June 18 & 19 from 6-10 pm BOTH NIGHTS
Location: 93 Border Street, West Newton MA 02465
(The NEW temporary space of the Center for Independent Documentary and the Filmmakers Workshop)
This tutorial will be taught by Sandra Schulberg (, one of the pioneers of international financing for independent movies. Ms. Schulberg has been active in raising money for independent productions and nurturing indie filmmakers for more than 20 years. From 1998 to 2001, Ms. Schulberg worked as Executive Producer for the private German media fund, Hollywood Partners, and structured its financing in a slate of films (including the Oscar-nominated movie QUILLS, starring Geoffrey Rush and Kate Winslet), all of which involved multiple international production partners. From 1989 to 1996, she served as a senior executive of "American Playhouse," the PBS drama series, charged with raising funds from abroad. During the last three years, she served as Senior Vice President of its movie production subsidiary, Playhouse International Pictures. Her production credits include SHADOW MAGIC, UNDISPUTED, THE LAST YELLOW, WAITING FOR THE MOON (Sundance Grand Prize winner), I'LL TAKE YOU THERE, SHIMMER, ROOSTERS, WILDROSE, BELIZAIRE THE CAJUN, NORTHERN LIGHTS, ALAMBRISTA. Additionally, she was involved in the financing and marketing of more than a dozen Playhouse films, including SAFE, I SHOT ANDY WARHOLL, ANGELS & INSECTS, THE MUSIC OF CHANCE, AMATEUR, SIMPLE MEN, etc., and she helped Barbara Kopple to raising finishing funds for her non-fiction feature, MY GENERATION. She has been a key figure in helping to create worldwide markets for independent films as founder and former president of the Independent Feature Project (IFP) and as creator of the IFP Market. In 1980, Ms. Schulberg co-founded the niche film distribution company, First Run Features, which is also still operating today. She was one of the first nominators to the Sundance Institute's Filmmakers Lab, and served on the Sundance Festival Advisory Committee for 5 years. She also served on the Board of ITVS (Independent Television Service) for 3 years, during which it created a new world affairs satellite channel, Link-TV, in cooperation with Internews. She served as a founding director of the New York Documentary Center and its Docfest film festival. In 1994, Ms. Schulberg received the IFP Spirit Award for her contributions to independent cinema. Her movies have been showcased and have won awards at film festivals throughout the world. She does a limited amount of private consulting to assist both experienced and fledgling producers.
Session I: Domestic Film Financing
Combining For-Profit and Nonprofit Monies
▪ How a movie qualifies for tax-deductible contributions
▪ Understanding the notion of "mission" under non-profit law
▪ Appropriate use of a fiscal agent
▪ Obtaining a PRI, a Program-Related Investment, from a foundation
▪ Development loans from private individuals
Key Elements of a U.S. Investor Offering
▪ Determining the right financial instrument and when to form it
▪ What your offering plan tells investors
▪ Synopsis
▪ Cast/Crew Bios
▪ Chain of Title
▪ Summary of Talent Agreements (producer/writer/director)
▪ Production Budget & Schedule
▪ Financing Plan
▪ Deal Structure (description of investment units for sale and ROI)
▪ Marketing & Distribution Plan
▪ Risk Factors & Disclaimers
Session II: Foreign Film Financing
International Co-Production
▪ Official "treaty" co-productions
▪ Non-treaty co-financing
▪ Tax-driven funds
▪ Regional economic funds
▪ The key Co-Production Markets
Foreign Sales & Distribution
▪ Principles of pre-sale financing
▪ Selecting and contracting with a foreign sales company
▪ Structuring foreign sales and foreign distribution agreements
▪ The role of collection agencies
Session III: Project-specific guidance from Sandra Schulberg
During the final session, on the second night, Ms. Schulberg provides specific financing guidance for each participant's current feature project (whether fiction or non-fiction), applying her sense of the domestic and international opportunities and illustrating how they might be combined where appropriate. This aspect of the Tutorial has proved to be extremely useful and popular. It is conducted publicly, so each participant gets customized guidance but also learns from the discussion of the other projects.
Domestic and International Film Financing Tutorial
June 18 and 19 from 6-10pm both nights
Please fill out the form carefully and make sure your phone number and e-mail are correct, it is very important that we be able to contact you.
First Name
Last Name
Company or Organization
City, State
What is your primary role? (Producer, Director, editor etc….)
Are you a member of any of these organizations? (check all that apply) If so, you receive the discounted registration price ($40)
( ) Center for Independent Documentary (CID)
( ) MPC (Massachusetts Production Coalition)
( ) AIMM*
If you checked AIMM, specify which AIMM member:
*AIMM consists of Filmmakers Collaborative, Center for Independent Documentary, Central Productions, The Color of Film Collaborative, the LEF Foundation and WGBH Boston Media Productions. If you are a producer with CID, simply check the CID box above.
Registration fees:
$60 (regular)
$40 (discounted- member of one of the sponsoring organizations)
Please return this form along with your check payable to:
And mail to:
680 South Main Street
Sharon, MA 02067
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Entertainment lawyers Sandy Forman and Mary Landergan will be hosting a lunch discussion on the Massachusetts Film Tax Credit law open to producers and filmmakers. The event will be held at the offices of the law firm of Rich May on May 8, 2008, at noon time at 176 Federal Street, Boston. Gerald May, Jr., a Rich May attorney with extensive tax law experience counseling clients in the non-profit and for-profit sectors, will give a presentation on the current film tax credit law in Massachusetts followed by a Q & A session. Food and beverage will be provided.
If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Joanne Walsh,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
March 19, 2008 Special "DOUBLE" Workshop
This workshop will be our first "CLINIC" workshop- in which you will have the opportunity to sign up for a 15 minute free individual consultation with entertainment lawyers Sandra Forman or Mary Landergan. We also will welcome Mary Chiochios from the Massachusetts Film Office for a conversation about the film office and the independent film community.
This is an excellent opportunity to speak with a lawyer about entertainment, copyright, business and trademark matters. We ask that you rsvp to this email to request a consultation--we will assign 15 minute sessions in the order in which the request/rsvp's are received. We will write you back confirming with your assigned time.
While the individual consultations are in progress, the whole group will have the opportunity to have a conversation with Mary Chiochios to learn about the Massachusetts Film Office, its services (including the online production guide and how you can get listed), and how you can take advantage of the new tax incentive legislation.
TIME: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Bernard Toale Gallery, 450 Harrison Avenue in Boston's South End
RSVP REQUIRED FOR LEGAL CONSULTATION To schedule your free 15 minute legal consultation, please rsvp to
Sandra Forman ,of counsel to Rich May,has a diverse practice in the areas of entertainment and copyright law. Her clients include film and television producers and directors, screenwriters, animators, book authors, talent, software and book publishers, distributors, and multi-media and educational software producers. Ms. Forman leads RichMay's Entertainment Copyright and Trademark practice group.
Ms. Forman began her career in the entertainment field at WGBH in Boston where she co-developed the Commercial Marketing Department and created ancillary distribution opportunities for WGBH programs worldwide. With the assistance of a venture capitalist she later founded Forman Entertainment Group for the purpose of developing film and television projects. She was simultaneously "of counsel" to the former Boston law firm of Budd, Wiley and Richlin and, in that capacity, represented entertainment clients as both an attorney and a consultant.
In addition to her legal practice, Ms Forman has served over the past several years as project director and legal counsel on the Eyes on the Prize Re-Release Project. Eyes on the Prize is the definitive documentary series on the Civil Rights Movement. In 2003, Ms. Forman began to work with Blackside, producer of Eyes on the Prize, to raise funds to clear the extensive rights in the series and prepare the 14 hours of programming for rebroadcast on PBS and distribution in the educational market. Ms. Forman's efforts resulted in major funding for the re-release of the series from the Ford Foundation and the Gilder Foundation, as well as funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to conduct a national outreach campaign.
Mary E. Landergan, of counsel to Rich May, concentrates on corporate, trademark and entertainment matters. Ms. Landergan is a graduate of Columbia University School of Law (J.D. 1982) where she was an International Fellow and worked for the Immigration Law Clinic and Entitlement Clinic. She graduated with honors from University College in Dublin, Ireland, with a master's degree in Anglo-Irish Literature. She received her undergraduate degree with honors in English and Psychology from Wellesley College, where she was admitted to Phi Beta Kappa in her Junior year.
Ms. Landergan brings over 20 years of diverse experience to Rich May, having practiced in international law, general commercial litigation, bankruptcy, constitutional law, civil rights and entertainment law. She has worked in the legal departments at CBS and ABC, and at an international New York-based law firm. She has provided legal and strategic consulting services for various clients in the media/entertainment industry in the areas of intellectual property, media law, contract negotiation and drafting, employment law, first amendment and pre-broadcast libel review. She is currently a Lecturer of Entertainment and First Amendment Law at Northeastern University School of Law.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Filmmakers Workshop- February 20, 2008- The IFP Market
DATE: February 20, 2008
TIME: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Bernard Toale Gallery, 450 Harrison Avenue in Boston's South End
PLEASE RSVP!! This is a FREE event, but, we would appreciate an rsvp so that we can plan for food and chairs.
A national program connecting projects with financiers, producers and programmers before they're completed and on the festival circuit. The 30th IFP Market will take place September 14 - 18, 2008 in New York City. In addition to narrative sections (Emerging Narrative for writer/directors with scripts seeking producers; No Borders for producers with new fiction projects with partial financing who are seeking partners), the IFP Market's Spotlight on Documentaries section is for filmmakers in production or post- production on a project seeking financing partners, broadcast/distribution, and festival interest. A primary focus for documentary filmmakers are pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings with potential financing partners. All meetings are at buyer's request based on advance information provided in Spotlight on Documentaries Project Dossier and in a compilation DVD of project trailers sent to accredited buyers in a position to acquire or finance.
On the industry side, IFP accredits roughly 1,000 professionals for project pitch meetings, speed dating meetings, screenings, social events and for panelist participation as part of the Filmmaker Conference. Approximately 50% of these individuals work at production companies, distributors, exhibitors, broadcasters, foundations or film festivals. All filmmaker participants receive a complimentary accreditation to the Filmmaker Conference that runs concurrent with the IFP Market. Daylong thematic strands focus on "Making Your First Feature," "The Future Is Now," "The Global Marketplace," "The Real Deal on Deals," and "The Truth About Non-Fiction."
The IFP Market's objective is to create a destination where the community of individuals involved in independent film can annually convene - from the filmmakers selected for their strong new projects to the individuals from companies and organizations aimed at helping the work get made and ultimately seen by public audiences.
The Documentary Rough Cut Lab is a national program connecting mentors and new projects before they are submitted to festivals. The Lab aims to identify ten, high quality independently produced documentaries by first-time feature filmmakers each year that can benefit from the support and expertise of experienced film professionals. Each Lab is led by a group of seasoned, independent producers who are the primary advisors for each project. Lab Leaders work with participants in advance of arrival to establish individual goals. Participants receive a dynamic system of feedback and advice on specific technical, creative and post production issues through their interaction with top editors, composers, producers, sound designers and festival strategists, as well as sales, marketing and publicity experts. Projects are selected by Lab Leaders and Senior IFP programming staff based on the quality of the work and its ability to benefit from the Lab curriculum and mentorship involved. At no time are the films screened for buyers or sales agents during the submissions or acceptance process. The 2008 Documentary Rough Cut Lab will take place May - 9 in New York City.
MILTON TABBOT is Senior Director of Programming at IFP in New York City, overseeing many content-driven programs relating to filmmakers, including supervising all documentary programs and IFP's fiscal sponsorship program. His documentary program management includes the Spotlight on Documentaries section of the IFP Market, including overall responsibility for annual project selection, and management of the IFP Documentary Rough Cut Lab for first-time feature directors. Previously at IFP he managed the Anthony Radziwill Documentary Fund, providing development funding for new documentary features. He has been with IFP since 1996 and served as Director of the IFP Market from 1999 through 2001. In addition to his IFP role, Mr. Tabbot serves as the U.S. Consultant for the Locarno International Film Festival. He has BS in Communications from Northwestern University and an MA in Cinema Studies from New York University.
The IFP Market and Independent Film Labs are produced by IFP, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to building the community for a full range of independent film. IFP's year-round and annual programs offer education, mentorship and worldwide industry access to members and the independent film community at large. The organization was founded in New York City in 1979.
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Documentary- past and future--January 16, 2008 Filmmakers Workshop
Though they've been called various names over the years ("First Wednesday" screenings, "the independent producer group", the "CID/AIVFsalon" and now "Filmmakers Workshop")- they've continually provided an antidote to that most pervasive of independent filmmaking occupational hazards- isolation.
Some of you may remember when these meeting were held in members homes or when they were in the CID office in Newton. Each meeting, screening or workshop has featured talk and socializing. On the 16th, we'll do both as we look back and forward, as we explore the documentary then and now.
Have an artifact or a story to share? Bring it! Ready to talk about the impact of changing technology on the documentary form? What looks fresh, new and innovative to you? What inspires you that you are bringing to your new/next film? What are the forces that are at work changing how you work and how are you adapting? We'll share our thoughts, musings and practical concerns as we delve into these and other questions salon style.
We hope you'll join us for this special salon evening.
TIME: 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Bernard Toale Gallery, 450 Harrison Avenue in Boston's South End
PLEASE RSVP!! This is a FREE event, but, we would appreciate an rsvp so that we can plan for food and chairs.
TO RSVP just reply to this email. While RSVP's are not required for this event, we appreciate you giving us a count of how many to plan for.
As we wind up CID's 25th Anniversary, we hope that you'll join us at one of the upcoming screenings of our filmmakers new work:
Judith Helfand and Dan Golds new film: EVERYTHINGS COOL at the MFA as part of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival on January 18th at 8pm
Marty Ostrow and Terry Kay Rockefellers new documentary RENEWAL which will have a run at the MFA in Boston beginning February 21, 2008.
and TODAY THE HAWK TAKES ONE CHICK by Jane Gillooly at the ICA on February 9, 2008
As we launch into 2008, we would like to give a special word of thanks to the tireless volunteers who make FILMMAKERS WORKSHOPS possible. PLEASE THANK THEM: Julie Mallozzi, Tracy Heather Strain, Megan Gelstein and Randall MacLowry. We also want to give a special appreciation to Bernie Toale, who not only allows us to enjoy his beautiful gallery each month, but who also carries chairs, sets up tables and offers complete encouragement and support. This program truly could not exist without all of your efforts. Thank you so much.